Although having some significance difference among both the server platforms, they distinctly offer their advantages for versatile user requirements. There are many who consider Linux to be superior to Windows servers and also there are some who just can’t resist Windows servers. Despite of disparities both the operating systems have come up with distinct solutions for their lovers avoiding technical bottlenecks.
Comparing between both the server platforms one of the major differences is noted that Windows servers offer FTP (File Transfer Protocol) accessibility where as Linux offers Tel Net or SSH (Secure Shell) accessibility for server access. Whereas Telnet can be configured on Windows platform, SSH is only limited to UNIX and Linux platforms. While security being major concern for servers, many people thinks Linux offers better security than Windows. On the contrary, if configured properly both the platforms can offer unique level of security for its users.
While Linux servers are cheap and free (sometimes), Windows ones are quite expensive option. Both serve their advantages and disadvantages along-line the value for money. Windows being a common platform many people see ease of operation with it. Linux being an open source application are exposed to maximum vulnerability to cyber hackings. Whereas Windows fairly proves its advantages in defending cyber hacking.
Running a dynamically driven website need database applications like MySQL or MS-Access. Where MySQL can have wide acceptance among both the server operating systems, is fairly used with Linux platform. MS-Access is only limited compatibility with Windows environment. There are many similarities are noticed in both these servers. Both the server Operating Systems support HTML and java scripts. While the file extensions differ in individual server operating systems for html scripts, the basic functionality remains the same almost with no difference. Applications like CGI and Pearl can run on both the servers although are found mostly associated with Linux platforms. PHP coding is widely used with Linux environment as though compatible with Windows. ASP can only be found on Windows. Coldfusion can be used with both the environments invariably.
Practically speaking, there is feeble difference among the both these server operating systems. Both are widely accepted and popular to users. It’s the user, who defines which is the most convenient to him. This is the reason why, while searching for a perfect web hosting solution, the backend operating system becomes less important a factor to be taken into account. Although pricing is the major difference among both Windows Servers and Linux servers, people still validate their preferred server operating systems for their ease of accessibility. Linux is gaining popularity because of its open source and pricing factors. Windows is also competing at-par with its versatile and user enhancements. Practically it’s quite difficult to conclude which is better and the cold war continues over the best branding.
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Linux servers are now ruling the hosting market with their unique and time-lined user interface framework.
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